Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Conductors, Insulators, and Magnetism!

Hey hey kiddos!

Today we will be learning all about Magnetism, Conductors of Heat, and Insulators of Heat!                                                                                                                                            

1) To start off, open up your Science Notebook to your Physical Properties Chart on Page 7. We will first look at what magnetism is!

Click on the Magnetism Activity Answers Link below and use the materials at your table to complete this activity!

Magnetism Activity Answers!

2) Open up your Science Notebook and fill in the Table of Contents like I have below.
3) Next, go to the back corner of the room and grab 1 piece of colored or white paper and a pair of scissors. 

4) You will be making a foldable in your Science Notebook for Conductors and Insulators. 
-Fold your piece of paper in half hamburger style. 
-Cut down the middle of the front half of the paper. See the images below. 
-On 1 side write "Conductors" and on the other write "Insulators"
-Using the marker, on the inside of your foldable, draw a line down the middle and a line across the top of the inside. 

Open the Science Saurus Book to Page 292. Read page 292-293 about how heat moves and about conductors and insulators of heat energy. Use these pages to write down the definitions of both, some examples, and colored pictures for conductors and insulators. When you are finished, glue or tape the back side of your foldable onto Page 8 of your notebook.

Here is a video to watch Conductors and Insulators and how they work!
Conductors and Insulators Video
Conductors and Insulators Lesson

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