Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Alternative Energy Sources!

Hey hey kiddos! So far in our Physics Unit we have been looking at different forms of energy. Today we will be focusing on how much electrical energy we use and how we mainly get it from fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas. If we continue using our fossil fuels this much, we risk running out! We have to learn how to get electrical energy from different sources!

Each student will be working on a different form of alternative energy. Choose a form of alternative energy, read through the article to get your notes, and then watch the video that shows this form of energy. You will then be working on your advertisement that is due Tuesday!

Every student will be using this chart to answer part C of your notes!

  • Solar Energy

Solar Energy Article
Solar Energy Video
Solar Energy Map

  • Wind Energy

Wind Energy Article
Wind Energy Video
Wind Energy Map

  • Hydroelectric Energy

Hydroelectric Article
Hydroelectric Video
Hydroelectric Map

  • Geothermal Energy

Geothermal Article
Geothermal Video
Geothermal Map

  • Biofuels Energy
Biofuels Article
Biofuels Video
Biofuels Map

  • Nuclear Energy

Nuclear Energy Article
Nuclear Energy Video

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